Hi there, I'm Jakob Pegler. I'm a Natural History storyteller and trainee technician.

Email: jakobpegler@gmail.com  Phone: 07809 466219   Instagram: @jpeg.ler

'Photography and filmmaking are vital ways I communicate with the world - photos are my poetry; films are my paintings. There is something so particular about these mediums that have encapsulated my view of the world. More specifically, capturing nature in these mediums helps humans connect and communicate with the natural world which is needed now more than ever. My eventual goal is to specialise in Arctic filmmaking, whether in a technical or more photographic sense. Our cold climates are disappearing fast, likely within my lifetime, and it is critical to document them while we can so that future generations can see what is possible. There is a lot of potential power in filming these colder environments and showing people what is happening, hopefully inciting action to protect these places. I find the ability to film in such extreme environments fascinating and so important to the knowledge bank of humanity, telling stories of places that the majority of people on earth will never see.' 
